Grades 10–12; fall/spring semester; ½ credit, meets 5 times per 7 day cycle
This course will teach students the foundations of architectural design and theory. Key concepts such as abstraction, representation, program, plan, materials, historical context, and structure will be paired with studio design projects. Studio projects will teach critical thinking and the fundamentals of building design including architectural drawing, model making, and original conceptual development for a small-scale urban design. The class will simultaneously incorporate traditional and digital methods of design generation and visualization using the software rhinoceros.
Students will study the habits and patterns of a human, an animal, or insect. Research and data will be collected about the particular habit within the life of their selected creature. Students will design and construct a habit and/or space based on the habits of that creature. This structure must either aid in or obstruct the habit of their creature. The finished design must ‘house the habit’, with the structure inspired by the behavior(s) observed. Students will produce plans/elevations, and a final 3D model (digital). The top five models of the class will then be 3D printed.

![Habit Final [Converted] (1).jpg](